Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam

4. Transformative Photo:
This was one of the first photos I took for the class this year, for our first photo assignment (rules of composition) way back in September.  I think this is my transformative photo for several reasons, both personal and technical.  The first was that the photo really made me realize that I loved the natural element of the photo (the tress, plants, clouds, etc.), and from then on, the focus of a lot of my work became natural elements in the photo.  The second reason is that I realized that viewpoint is crucial to creating a good photo; from then on I experimented with my photos, trying to find viewpoints that capture the essence of the scene and emphasize certain parts of my photos.

5. Shapes are closed objects in a photo; they are two-dimensional and flat, so they express length and width.  Forms, on the other hand, are three-dimensional objects, similar to shapes, but expressing length, width, and height.
Blog Posts: Shape  Form

6. Pattern means that a certain object, such as a shape or line, is repeated throughout the photo or work of art.  Repetition is what gives the pattern meaning; it is essentially how the object is repeated. Repetition works with pattern to give the photograph homogeneity.
All my principles of design photos are included in this post.

7. HERE is a link to my Weebly About Page.
HERE is a link to Ralph Clevenger's About Page, who inspired a great deal of my nature-oriented photographs.

8. Last 3 Projects:
First Commercial Photoshoot
Relay for Life Photoshoot
Final Project - Nature Photoshoot

My best project was probably my last one, the nature photoshoot that I did for the final project. Because I photographed subjects I was familiar with, I was able to find viewpoints for my photos that really showcased the beauty of the plants as well as the majesty of the landscapes.  I also made good use of my rules of composition, namely depth of field and viewpoint, particularly for the flower photos, as well as Mr. Farley's #1 rule (getting close), which I know understand.

This project really changed my viewpoint on photography.  I realized that, especially for the sunsets, you may have to wait for just the right moment, and that moment could very well pass you by if you aren't paying attention.  The sun sets fast, and I missed the right moment two days in a row. Also, always have your camera, because you never know what you may see.

I also learned to see differently, particularly in regards to lighting.  In many of my photos, the sun was one of the most important parts of my photo.  In nature, the only light you may have is the sun, and some days just don't have the right lighting to capture the photo.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

1st Period:
Rudy Estrada's best photo is this one; he uses the rule of thirds and establishes depth of field, focusing on the tree closest to the camera.

2nd Period:
William Shih's best photo is this one; he uses leading lines and has excellent space, in addition to his fantastic lighting for the photo.

3rd Period:
Barry Liu's best photo is this one; his excellent use of filters and contrast emphasizes the red and freedom.

4th Period:
Alyssa Zhao's best photo is this one; the photograph has a good amount of space, and her masterful use of color emphasizes the clouds.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project Proposal

My project is a nuture-oriented photoshoot, with shots of flowers, trees, and horizons. My project is inspired by Ralph Clevenger's style.

The first shot will be of a flower and the sun shining on it. It will be surrounded by similar flowers, which will be out of focus.

The second shot will be another flower shot, but it will be a top view, similar to many images that can be found on Google.

The third shot will be a tree shot; I would like to have an old mossy tree be the focus of the photo, and try to get the light shining through the leaves.

The fourth shot will likely be a landscape photo of the Mission Hills and the meadows that are found on them.

The last shot will be another landscape shot, but this one will be of a horizon, most likely above Mission Peak. I will do it on a somewhat cloudy day to get desired lighting.

Friday, May 8, 2015

First Commercial Shoot

Ralph Lauren was our inspiration for this shoot:

Taken by Hugh Smith

Taken by Simar Chhabra

Taken by Barry Liu

Taken by Simar Chhabra

Taken by Barry Liu

This is the photo we based our photos off of:

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Background Photo


Blacks +100
Shadows +32
Contrast + 10
Clarity +21
