Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

1st Period:
Rudy Estrada's best photo is this one; he uses the rule of thirds and establishes depth of field, focusing on the tree closest to the camera.

2nd Period:
William Shih's best photo is this one; he uses leading lines and has excellent space, in addition to his fantastic lighting for the photo.

3rd Period:
Barry Liu's best photo is this one; his excellent use of filters and contrast emphasizes the red and freedom.

4th Period:
Alyssa Zhao's best photo is this one; the photograph has a good amount of space, and her masterful use of color emphasizes the clouds.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project Proposal

My project is a nuture-oriented photoshoot, with shots of flowers, trees, and horizons. My project is inspired by Ralph Clevenger's style.

The first shot will be of a flower and the sun shining on it. It will be surrounded by similar flowers, which will be out of focus.

The second shot will be another flower shot, but it will be a top view, similar to many images that can be found on Google.

The third shot will be a tree shot; I would like to have an old mossy tree be the focus of the photo, and try to get the light shining through the leaves.

The fourth shot will likely be a landscape photo of the Mission Hills and the meadows that are found on them.

The last shot will be another landscape shot, but this one will be of a horizon, most likely above Mission Peak. I will do it on a somewhat cloudy day to get desired lighting.

Friday, May 8, 2015

First Commercial Shoot

Ralph Lauren was our inspiration for this shoot:

Taken by Hugh Smith

Taken by Simar Chhabra

Taken by Barry Liu

Taken by Simar Chhabra

Taken by Barry Liu

This is the photo we based our photos off of: